Dermatology is referred as the science of the skin, hair, and nails. Dermatologists assess and manage patients with favorable and skin infection disorders of these outer body zones. Clinical Dermatology is the strength of medicine that incorporates the total scope of diseases and states of the skin, hair, and nails. Skin, the biggest organ, obviously covers in excess of 90 percent of the body; hair and nails involve another 8 percent. Medically, skin ensures the body, avoids infection, and keeps up blood vessels and sweat organs that control temperature, shields from harming ultraviolet radiation and harmful environmental chemicals and toxins, and it alerts the brain to delicate touch, scents and looming pain.
Our Dermatologists frequently perform specific diagnostic procedures identified with skin conditions. With regards to Clinical Dermatology, diagnosing and giving individualized treatment explicit to the individual needs is the key. At AMI Skin & Hair Care Clinic, all diseases and medical conditions identified with skin, hair, and nails are analyzed and treated by dermatologists who have vital aptitude in treating the clinical dermatology-related issues. Besides, we are satisfied with the talented aestheticians that give healthy skin to our patients. The primary focus though still remains clinical dermatology and reaching out to the common skin problems faced by the average middle and lower class patients.
Dermatologists at AMI Skin & Hair Care Clinic analyze and treat all issue of the skin, including its structure, capacity, and sicknesses whether it might be essential or identified with an underlying systemic illness. We as a whole live in a world when everybody needs to accomplish something other than what’s expected in the calling as well as in the manner they look. Our mantra to a beautiful skin is to first maintain the skin health & hygiene. Our approach to beautiful skin is a complete care because your skin is a reflection of your overall health. So do not overlook the signs!
- Skin Infections
- Eczema
- Psoraisis
- STD / Sexual Disorders
- Vitiligo
- Rosacea
- Lupus vulgaris
- Alopecia
- Acne
- Warts, Skin Tags, Moles
- NBUVB Therapy for Psoriasis, Vitiligo, Atopic Dermatitis
- Hyperhiydrosis
- Hair Fall Treatment
- Nail Disorders
- Dandruff